Players have been up and down and all around putting the best decks together with the collections of champions, regions, spells, and allies, and that probably makes getting started a little daunting to new players. You should definitely consider giving these a try and see what suits your play style.It’s been a bit of time already since Legends of Runeterra launched in Open Beta on PC, bringing all the characters and lore of League of Legends to a digital card game. There are all kinds of great Legend for Runeterra decks you can use, even if you’re on a budget. A strong defense is a strong offense!ĭeck code: CEBQGAICCMQCWAYBAAERULICAMAAMDQEAEBQEFACAEBCKMIDAEACKMZUAEBAAAIBAIAQAFJV Since the barrier completely negates damage, Fiora Shen barrier can easily stall and outvalue aggro decks in the late game. The best part of this deck is that it’s amazing against aggro decks. On top of that, you also want to use Rivershaper, since it can help you with card advantage when it’s protected by the Barrier. Greenglade Caretaker on turn one is something you want to try and mulligan for. Ideally, you want to have some explosive openers if possible. This will generate value, while also keeping units safe. When you use the Fiora Shen deck, you rely on barriers to protect the high-threat units. LCECAMAQGBALCAJRNHICACAYCB4SSQAQCAMBQIAIDAYDAAAIBAEBTG Fiora Shen On a final note, Gangplank and Miss Fortune are great, but shouldn’t be something you greedily keep in your hand. Like most Noxus-based aggro decks, if you can’t win in the early game, you heavily rely on Decimate and Noxian Fervor to win in the late game. Try your best to always have a 1-drop on turn one. Note, that this deck wants to mulligan aggressively for its early drops. It is the most explosive aggro deck, and it works great if you want to avoid those greedy control decks. The Pirate Aggro deck is one that will push towards fast wins. This deck is inexpensive, versatile and a pleasure to try out!ĭeck code: CECAOAIDBAHR4JJGFAXQCAIBCYBQEAYDAQCQCAQBAYAQCAQBA4AQEAIDAIGQ Pirate Aggro On top of that, you can also use the Legion Rearguard and Saboteur that will further boost your aggression. You combine that with Transfusion or Fury of the North and your opponents are going to have a hard time setting up an effective defense. This Legends of Runeterra deck has Legion Saboteur and Precious Pet which will help bring in some early damage. The Noxus Aggro Deck is also very efficient since it has a lot of cards you can use to destroy the enemy Nexus fast. You can also use the Powder Keg summon from Dreadway Deckhand to boost Legion Grenadier and Legion Saboteurs damage!ĬEBQGAIDA4IB4AQCAYCD4AICAMCAEAYCAYARCPAFAEBRSGZFFAVAEAYBAMERGOADAIDA6FQ4 Noxus Aggro

This deck requires you to stay on the curve early and try to always hit your opponent’s face to trigger plunder.Ī great combos in this deck is the Imperial Demolitionist used on the Crimson Disciple for the extra Nexus Damage. You don’t rely on champions with this one instead, you rely on Noxus and Bilgewater units. This is actually key: you should try to use Noxian Fervor as a finisher, or when your opponent is low on mana.ĬEBAKAIFE4VTENJYAYAQGDYUC4TS4NYCAEAQKMICAEBQSDIBAEAQKIQ Bilgewater Aggroīilgewater Aggro is a cheap Legends of Runeterra deck and plays like a toolbox deck. In case your opponent survives until the late-game, you use Darius and Noxian Fervor as the finisher.

Since it has Overwhelm, you’re always guaranteed some damage. Spider Aggro decks are extremely good at rebuilding their board, so don’t be afraid to trade your units.Ī benefit of flooding the board early is the potential to make Crowd Favorite humongous. Although it’s an aggressive Legends of Runeterra deck, it can play more defensively depending on the matchup. What you want to do is to swarm the board with spiders, and use Frenzied Skitterer or Decisive Maneuver to boost their stats. This is because players get a majority of its cards when they first create an account. The Spider Aggro deck is very common and a lot of people use it. Top 5 best Legends of Runeterra budget decks

With that in mind, here are some of the top 5 best Legends of Runeterra budget decks you can try out.